Transforming matter

2024. Lumen prints of compost matter on Ilfobrom Galerie FB gloss. 40.6cm x 50.8cm (2x) unframed, 106 x 72cm framed.

Currently on show in PROCESS(ED) at Articulate Project Space, Leichhardt

Among other small projects, I have been working with compost for 12 months, although my interest in growing, decay and renewal has been decades long (I completed my Permaculture Design Certificate in 2011).

The physicality of making compost as a mindful, embodied practice is central to these artistic explorations and methodologies. As is the concept of sympoiesis, or “making with” coined by Donna Haraway. The 8 compost bins at my children’s school are the engine of the garden and my art practice.

“Transforming matter” is a pair of lumen prints of compost material including some of the worms and wood lice (who were returned to the bin after the collaboration). I imagine compost as a site of wonder and speculation for its centrality to our future, and as a site of transformation due to its constant decay and renewal. One of the pair of lumen prints in this work is unfixed, so it will decompose throughout PROCESS(ED).